How to Fix Dart Holes in Wall – Simple DIY Guide

Jared Wiley

Jared Wiley (Epic Darts)

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How to Fix Dart Holes in Wall Simple DIY Guide
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Imagine you’ve just finished a spirited game of darts with friends, and now you’re left with a wall that looks like Swiss cheese. Those little holes might seem insignificant at first, but they can become quite an eyesore over time. So, how do you go about repairing these dart holes to restore your wall to its former glory?

Fixing drywall dart holes in your walls can be a simple process that restores the appearance of your entire wall. Stray darts can easily create these holes, but with the right spackling paste, you can easily repair them. Nobody likes unsightly dart holes in their drywall, but with the right techniques and spackling paste, you can easily make your walls look as good as new after stray darts or errant darts. Whether you accidentally missed the target with errant or stray darts or had an intense game night, repairing dart holes is a common issue that can be tackled with basic know-how.

So, if you’re looking to say goodbye to those pesky dart holes in your plaster walls and bring back the pristine look of your walls, keep reading for some expert tips and tricks on how to repair them.

Assessing the severity of dart hole damage

Before you start fixing those pesky dart holes in your wall or dartboard, it’s crucial to assess the extent of the damage. By evaluating the severity of unsightly holes, you can determine whether wood putty or wall putty is the most appropriate repair method for small holes and whether professional assistance is necessary.

To effectively assess the situation, consider the following:

  • Dart holes of various sizes and depths can be found on a dartboard. Smaller holes in a door may require the use of wood putty, a simple patching method. However, larger holes might demand more extensive repairs, such as using darts. Take note of the size and depth of each hole in the wood door to guide your approach when using putty on the dartboard.
  • Inspecting the surrounding area for any additional damage caused by darts is important. This includes checking the dartboard, door, wood, and putty. Look out for cracks, chips, or weakened sections nearby. This inspection will help you identify any underlying issues with the wood door that need attention alongside repairing the dart holes. Use putty to fix the dart holes.
  • Evaluating overall wall condition: Carefully evaluate the condition of your wood door beyond just the dart holes. Use putty to repair any damage. Check for signs of moisture damage, structural problems, compromised integrity, or the use of putty. If you notice significant issues or doubt your ability to use putty and handle repairs yourself, it may be wise to seek professional assistance.

Remember to use putty when assessing dart hole damage, as it is a critical step towards successful repairs. By understanding how to use putty and considering all relevant factors like size, depth, surrounding areas, and overall wall condition, you’ll be better equipped to tackle this task effectively.

Now that we’ve assessed the severity of dart hole damage, let’s move on to exploring suitable methods to use putty for repair in our next section.

Gathering materials and preparing the area

To fix dart holes in your wall, you’ll need to use putty. You’ll need a few essential materials and some preparation. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Gather the necessary materials, including the use of putty. Before you begin, make sure you have all the tools and supplies, such as putty, on hand. To repair your wall, use spackle, sandpaper, a putty knife, and matching paint.
  2. Prepare the area: Start by clearing any loose debris or paint chips around the damaged spot. Once the area is clear, you can begin working with the putty. Once the area is clear, you can begin working with the putty. Once the area is clear, you can begin working with the putty. Use sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges near the hole, then apply putty.
  3. Protect nearby furniture and floors with drop cloths or old sheets when using putty for repairs. This will prevent any accidental damage from dust or splatters during the putty repair process.
  4. Get ready for work: Having everything prepared before starting will make the putty repair process smoother. Make sure your tools are easily accessible, and keep all your materials within reach.

By following these steps and taking necessary precautions, you can ensure a successful repair job for those unsightly dart holes in your wall.


  • Gather essential materials such as spackle, sandpaper, putty knife, and matching paint.
  • Clear away loose debris and rough edges around the hole.
  • Protect nearby furniture and floors with drop cloths or old sheets.
  • Have all necessary tools and supplies ready before starting.

Now that you’re ready to tackle this task head-on, let’s move on to fixing those dart holes!

Repair methods for small dart holes in walls

Small dart holes can often be fixed using simple DIY techniques without professional help. Here are some effective methods for repairing small dart holes:

  1. Adhesive-backed mesh patches: These patches provide added stability when fixing small dart holes. Simply apply the patch over the hole, pressing it firmly onto the wall surface. The adhesive backing ensures it stays in place.
  2. Spackle application: Another option is to use spackle to fill in and level out the hole until it blends with the surrounding wall surface. Follow these steps:
    • Clean the area around the hole, removing any loose debris or paint.
    • Apply a thin layer of spackle directly into the hole, using a putty knife or your finger.
    • Allow each layer to dry completely before applying additional layers.
    • Repeat this process until the hole is filled and flush with the wall surface.
  3. Sanding for a smooth finish: After the spackle has dried, gently sand down any excess material using fine-grit sandpaper. This helps achieve a smooth finish and prepares the repaired area for painting or touch-ups.

By following these simple repair methods, you can easily fix small dart holes in your walls without needing professional assistance. Remember to take your time and ensure each step is completed thoroughly for a seamless result.

Using toothpaste or spackle as fillers

To fix dart holes in the wall, you can use either toothpaste or spackle as temporary or long-lasting solutions. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Toothpaste is a quick and easy option for very small dart holes. While it may not be as durable as other fillers, it can serve as a temporary fix until proper repairs are made. Look for white toothpaste without any added colors or gels.
  2. Spackle is a commonly used filler material that provides a more durable and long-lasting solution for larger dart holes. It is available in different forms such as spackling paste, wall putty, or wood putty. When using spackle:
    • Apply it in thin layers to ensure better results. Allow each layer to dry before adding more.
    • Sand the dried spackle with fine-grit sandpaper to smoothen the surface for a seamless repair.
    • Use a spatula, putty knife, or similar tool to apply and spread the spackle evenly over the hole.
    • If necessary, clean the area around the hole with soap and water before applying the spackle.

Remember that these methods are suitable for repairing dart holes in drywall specifically. For other types of walls or materials, different approaches may be required.

By following these steps and using either toothpaste or spackle as fillers, you can easily fix dart holes in your wall without much hassle.

Painting over repaired areas and final touches

Once the repaired area is fully dry, it’s time to paint over it to match the rest of the wall. Choosing the right paint color and finish is crucial for achieving a seamless blend. Here are some steps to follow when painting over repaired areas:

  1. Prepare the surface: Before painting, make sure the repaired area is smooth and free from any loose pieces or debris. Sanding the patch lightly can help create an even surface.
  2. Clean the area: Use a damp cloth to wipe away any dust or dirt from the repaired spot. This ensures that the paint adheres properly.
  3. Apply primer: Applying a coat of primer before painting helps create an even color tone across the entire wall. It also helps the paint adhere better and provides a more durable finish.
  4. Choose the right paint color: Select a paint color that matches or closely resembles your wall color. Consider bringing a small paint chip from your wall to a hardware store for accurate matching.
  5. Select an appropriate finish: The finish of your paint can affect how well it blends with the surrounding wall. If your wall has a matte finish, choose a matte or eggshell finish for your repair work.
  6. Paint over the repaired area: Use a brush or roller to apply an even coat of paint over the patched section. Make sure to feather outwards towards the edges for a seamless transition.
  7. Blend in texture if necessary: If your wall has texture or patterns, you may want to replicate them on your repair job for better integration with the surrounding wall. You can use techniques like sponge painting or stippling to achieve this effect.

By following these steps, you can effectively cover up dart holes in your walls and achieve professional-looking results without calling for extensive renovation work or hiring professionals.

Mastering the art of repairing dart holes

Congratulations! You’ve now learned the essential steps to fix those pesky dart holes in your wall. By following the sections completed before this conclusion, you are well on your way to becoming a DIY repair expert. Now that you know how to assess the damage, gather materials, and use toothpaste or spackle as fillers, it’s time to put your newfound skills into action.

So grab your tools and get ready to transform those unsightly holes into seamless patches. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be discouraged if your first attempt isn’t flawless. With each repair, you’ll gain more confidence and finesse in mastering this art.

Now go ahead and take pride in your handiwork! Admire the smooth surface where once there were unsightly dents. And remember, if you ever need a refresher or want to tackle other home improvement projects, our blog is here for you.


How long does it take for spackle or toothpaste filler to dry?

Spackle and toothpaste fillers typically take around 24 hours to dry completely. However, drying times may vary depending on factors such as humidity levels and the thickness of the applied filler. It’s always best to refer to the product instructions for specific drying times.

Can I paint over the repaired area immediately?

No, it’s important to allow sufficient drying time before painting over the repaired area. As mentioned earlier, spackle and toothpaste fillers may take up to 24 hours to dry completely. Once dry, lightly sand down any rough edges before applying paint for a seamless finish.

Will the repaired area be noticeable after painting?

When done correctly, repairs using spackle or toothpaste should blend seamlessly with the surrounding wall surface. However, keep in mind that factors such as lighting conditions and paint color variations can affect how noticeable the repair is. Choosing a paint color that closely matches the existing wall color will help minimize any noticeable differences.

Can I use toothpaste or spackle to repair larger holes in the wall?

Toothpaste and spackle are suitable for small holes, but for larger ones, it’s best to use a patching compound specifically designed for such repairs. These compounds provide better structural support and durability for bigger holes.

Is it necessary to prime the repaired area before painting?

Priming the repaired area is not always necessary, especially if you’re using paint with built-in primer properties. However, if you’re using a different type of paint or want to ensure an even finish, applying a coat of primer over the repaired area can help achieve optimal results.

About the author

Jared Wiley

Jared Wiley
A professional dartboard conqueror, Jared is often found in the wild searching for the elusive triple 20, he firmly believes that the secret to a top-notch game lies in the aerodynamics of a well-groomed mustache.

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